A Comprehensive Guide: The Ugly Cry

The Ugly Cry by Danielle Henderson

Publisher: Viking
Publication Date: June 8, 2021
304 pages, 7 hours and 33 minutes
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Book Description

“If you fight that motherf**ker and you don’t win, you’re going to come home and fight me.” Not the advice you’d normally expect from your grandmother—but Danielle Henderson would be the first to tell you her childhood was anything but conventional.

Abandoned at ten years old by a mother who chose her drug-addicted, abusive boyfriend, Danielle was raised by grandparents who thought their child-rearing days had ended in the 1960s. She grew up Black, weird, and overwhelmingly uncool in a mostly white neighborhood in upstate New York, which created its own identity crises. Under the eye-rolling, foul-mouthed, loving tutelage of her uncompromising grandmother—and the horror movies she obsessively watched—Danielle grew into a tall, awkward, Sassy-loving teenager who wore black eyeliner as lipstick and was struggling with the aftermath of her mother’s choices. But she also learned that she had the strength and smarts to save herself, her grandmother gifting her a faith in her own capabilities that the world would not have most Black girls possess.

With humor, wit, and deep insight, Danielle shares how she grew up and grew wise—and the lessons she’s carried from those days to these. In the process, she upends our conventional understanding of family and redefines its boundaries to include the millions of people who share her story.

Why We Picked This Book: While we primarily select works of fiction, The Ugly Cry captured the attention of the Literary League team and community. The first line on Penguin Random House's about Danielle Henderson's memoir reads "'If you fight that motherf**ker and you don’t win, you’re going to come home and fight me.” Not the advice you’d normally expect from your grandmother—but Danielle Henderson would be the first to tell you her childhood was anything but conventional."

How could we not read her memoir?!

What to Drink While Reading: The summer's heat is upon us and my wine glass has been home to crisp white wine ever since we started melting here in Atlanta. We recommend going for a bright white wine like Sauvignon Blanc, or Vermentino.

Best Place to Read: Some place where you can laugh out loud by yourself—this book is one of the funniest books we’ve read, and you’re bound to enjoy it!

What to Listen to After Reading: Honestly, reread this book, but check it out in audio this time. Danielle narrates it herself, and it’s truly perfect.

Articles to Read: Definitely check out this profile on Danielle from The Washington Post. Also, Danielle is the author of Feminist Ryan Gosling, and if that doesn’t sound like the perfect book, then we don’t know what is.


Meet the Chapter Host: Milwaukee


What We’re Reading: April 2021